Room: Florentine I
Moderator: Degang Chen (Iowa State University, USA)
- A Novel Technique for Inter-dependent Trim Code Optimization
Pankaj BONGALE (Texas Instruments India Pvt Ltd), Vinoth SUNDARESAN (Tessolve, Bangalore), Partha GHOSH (ETH Zurich), Rubin PAREKHJI (Texas Instruments (India)) - Infant Mortality Tests for Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits
Suriyaprakash NATARAJAN (Intel Corporation), Suvadeep BANERJEE (Georgia Institute of Technology) - Wafer-Level Process Variation-Driven Probe-Test Flow Selection for Test Cost Reduction in Analog/RF ICs
Ali AHMADI (UT Dallas), Amit NAHAR, Bob ORR, Michael PAS (Texas Instruments), Yiorgos MAKRIS (UT Dallas) (Best paper nominee)