We are happy to announce that Synopsys has signed up as a Premier Supporter for VTS 2017.
Last year at VTS, we had some great discussions during the ‘Wine and Cheese’ panel session. This year, considering that we will be in Vegas again, we have decided to turn it into a fun filled event and give the attendees an opportunity to win some cool prizes.
The Monday evening ‘Wine and Cheese’ special session will be conducted in the form of a Trivia game where VLSI Test related questions will be asked. Attendees can participate in the game through their mobile phones/Laptops. Following every question, we will have a brief explanation/discussion about that topic where the attendees can also share their views/experiences. While being technical, we look forward to make this a fun filled event by engaging the audience.
You can be a part of this event not only by participating in the game, but also by contributing the questions:
We would like to source the questions from the VLSI Test community. This way we can have a large diversity of topics which can be discussed during the event. Questions can be technical, interesting facts or even something fun. They must be related to VLSI Test and preferably in a multiple choice format. If you have any interesting questions in mind, please send them to us through this link (https://goo.gl/forms/Kunx9C0PfGtY8pbH2). It would be great if you can send your questions by 18th March 2017. We really appreciate your contribution.
Session Organizers – Rohit Kapur and Anshuman Chandra (Synopsys), and Gaurav Reddy (UT Dallas)
Masters and early Ph.D. students are encouraged to participate in the student activities program at VTS’17 specifically designed for them.
The hotel reservation and the registration to VTS 2016 are now open.
Don’t miss to take advantage of the discounted advance registration rate.
Submissions for the 2017 TTTC’s E. J. McCluskey Best Doctoral Thesis 2017 Award Contest are now open.
Additional details are available here.