Student Activities Program

TTTC’s E. J. McCluskey Best Doctoral Thesis

Named after Prof. E.J. McCluskey, a key contributor to the field of test technology, the 2021 TTTC’s Doctoral Thesis Award serves the purpose to promote the most impactful doctoral student work, to provide the students with exposure to the community and the prospective employers, and to support interaction between academia and industry in the field of test technology.

TTTC’s E.J. McCluskey Best Doctoral Thesis Award will be given to the winning student of the doctoral student contest and his or her advisor.

The contest is held in two stages: semi-finals and finals.

In 2021, semi-finals are held at the IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS), the IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS), the IEEE Latin American Test Symposium (LATS), and the IEEE Asian Test Symposium (ATS). At each semi-final, a jury composed of industrial experts will determine the winner, and the four winners will compete against each other in the finals, held at the International Test Conference (ITC) 2021.

After watching the student’s presentations and “virtually” meeting with them to ask questions the jury composed of:

Haralampos Stratigopoulos
(Sorbonne University)
Stefano Di Carlo
(Politecnico di Torino)
Vivek Chickermane
Sohrab Aftabjahani

has decreed that the top three students are:

  1. Mengyun Liu (Duke University) 
  2. Huanyu Wang (University of Florida)
  3. ex aequo Rana Elnaggar (Duke University) and Andrew Stern (University of Florida)

Congratulations to Mengyun for winning the competition and thanks to all students and to the juries for the participation to the contest.

Finally, we would like to thank

Ujjwal Guin
(Auburn University)

for organizing and coordinating the contest.

Without her dedication and support, all this would not have been possible.


Participation will be done by sending a resume and a one-page (A4) summary of their thesis to Ujjwal Guin. The applicant’s advisor should also send an email to Ujjwal Guin stating that he/she will support the rest of the student’s expenses, if any. Minorities and under-represented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.

Key Date

Submission deadline: February 15 March 1st (extended), 2021

Contact Persons

Chair of Student Activities : Ujjwal Guin


Download the pdf version: Call for VTS Doctoral Thesis Award 2021 (65 downloads)

Presentation information

Participants of the TTTC’s E. J. McCluskey Best Doctoral Thesis Award are requested to prepare:

20-minute full talk prerecorded video for your thesis. This video will be made available for offline viewing at any time one week before the conference.

7-minute live talk given using Zoom. This talk will quickly present your paper and main insights at the beginning of your 15-minute presentation slot to favor the live discussion (see below).

The dadline to submit the 20 minutes prerecorded video is April 9, 2021.

To submit your video, please name your files using the following format (all lowercase): [McCluskey]_[first_name]_[last_name]_video.mp4

Upload the video to

In a virtual environment, it is important to establish a good engagement with the audience, so please budget enough time to work on the audiovisual material.

Important specifications on the format and content of the videos, along with instructions on how to record for those that need them, are provided later in this paragraph.

Video Permissions

Authors have the opportunity to make videos publicly available after the symposium. To authorise the VTS 2021 organisers to take this action, the corresponding author of each accepted paper must opt-in for the sharing and posting of the videos of the talks in the copyright form when submitting the camera-ready PDFs.

Please remember that while you grant VTS 2021 organisers the right to display and share your videos, you retain full ownership

Live Sessions

Live sessions will be managed using Zoom. The detailed schedule will be communicated soon. During the live sessions of the symposium, each paper will be allocated to a 15-minute slot that will be primarily used to answer questions from the audience. Each presenter will begin with a brief presentation of the paper and its main insights, which will serve as an introduction to the paper. This presentation should be shorter than 7 minutes to allow ample time to answer audience questions. Experience from recent online conferences suggests a large fraction of the audience would have already watched the 20-minute presentation or read the paper, so leaving sufficient time for questions is very important.


Each presenter should have a registered author at the normal IEEE member (50USD) or non-member (75USD) full fee – separate registrations are required. VTS 2021 will have the same very low registration fees for authors and non-author attendees.

Please register at

Video Requirements

• Format: mp4
• Resolution: 720p (1280×720 pixels)
• Orientation: horizontal orientation (i.e., width should be bigger than height)
• Aspect ratio: 16:9

Preparation to Record your Video:

There is no standard template for preparing the slides to use in your video. Please use your favorite one considering the video requirements listed above.

Please introduce yourself at the beginning of your presentation.

At the end of your presentation, please add and show a slide that includes your contact information and clearly display the following sentence:

This presentation and recording belong to the authors. No distribution is allowed without the authors’ permission.

How to Record your video

To improve the engagement, it is strongly recommended that you capture the video of the presenter during the presentation and display it in one of the corners of the frame.

The easiest way to record your presentation, including the presenter’s video, is [using Zoom](](

You can add your webcam to the recorded video by [choosing the appropriate recording layout](

An alternative to Zoom is to [add narration to a PowerPoint presentation](

However, adding the presenter’s webcam to the presentation is a feature only available for Windows users in the presenter view pane. Once the narration is added, the presentation should be [converted into an mp4 video](

Please feel free to use the preferred option or any other software (e.g., [OBS](, but make sure the software you choose can export mp4 files.

Recording Tips
• Try to minimize the surrounding noise by recording in a quiet room.
• Make sure the fans of your computer are spinning at the minimum speed, especially if you are using built-in microphones to record.
• Keep a constant distance from the microphone to avoid fluctuation in the audio level.
• Use a neutral background, such as a solid-colored wall or drape.