Dear Colleagues,
This year marks the 35th anniversary of the IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS’17) and we will be convening in Las Vegas, Nevada on April 9 – 12, 2017.
The IEEE VLSI Test Symposium is a flagship annual international event sponsored by the IEEE Test Technology Technical Council and IEEE Computer Society. Each year it attracts more than 250 leading design and test professionals from over 25 countries around the world. Most major companies, research laboratories, and universities active in the field of VLSI test, validation, reliability, and security are represented at the Symposium.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we would like to invite your company to participate in the Corporate Supporters Program of VTS’17.
VTS’17 has two levels of Corporate Support:
Premier Corporate Supporter at the level of $2,500. This level provides the following benefits:
- The Company’s logo will appear on the souvenir(s) distributed to all attendees and on the VTS’17 website.
- The Company’s logo will be projected on the screen during the plenary session, in all the meeting rooms in between sessions of the technical program, and on the Corporate Supporters sign in the registration area.
- The Company will receive one set of complimentary souvenir(s) and proceedings.
- The Company can provide a banner to be displayed on the VTS’17 website. The size of the banner should not exceed 1.0 x 1.0 inches. The banner should contain a statement along the lines of “Company is proud to be a Premier Corporate Supporter of VTS’17”, a company logo and/or a company tag-line.
Elite Corporate Supporter at the level of $5,000. This level provides, in addition to the benefits of the Premier Corporate Support, the following benefits:
- The Company can provide a full page of printed informational company material to be included in the Advance Program of the conference. The material will be reviewed for suitability before inclusion in the Advance Program, and must be provided before the Advance Program deadline (to be specified later).
- The Company can have a company banner to be displayed in the registration area.
- The Company can provide a banner to be displayed on the VTS’17 website. The size of the banner should not exceed 1.5 x 1.5 inches. The banner should contain a statement along the lines of “Company is proud to be the Elite Corporate Supporter of VTS’17”, a company logo and/or a company tag-line.
- The Company will be invited to provide a 25 minute presentation. The presentation will be reviewed for suitability before inclusion in the program, and must be provided before the deadline (to be specified later).
- The Company will be granted one free registration for VTS’17.
We hope you will take advantage of the opportunity to support VTS. To do so, please be kind enough to confirm your participation and specify the level of support as soon as possible via email to Arani Sinha at arani.sinha@intel.com or Vivek Chickermane at vivekc@cadence.com .
Thank you for your support of the IEEE VLSI Test Symposium.
Arani Sinha (Co-Chair, Corporate Support, VTS’17)
Vivek Chickermane (Co-Chair, Corporate Support, VTS’17)