
Graduate Student Activities |
The TTTC Student Activities Committee is organizing two activities aiming to provide graduate students
with an opportunity to disseminate their research and obtain visibility in the international test community.
VTS Submission |
The VTS Program Committee invites original, unpublished paper submissions for VTS 2009.
Paper submissions should be complete manuscripts, up to six pages (inclusive of figures,
tables, and bibliography) in a standard IEEE two-column format. Papers exceeding the page limit will be returned withouth review.
Authors should clearly explain the significance of the work, highlight novel features, and describe its current status.
On the title page, please include: author name(s) and affiliation(s), and the mailing address,
phone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the contact author. A 50-word abstract and
five keywords identifying the topic area are also required.
For formal paper submission related information, please contact the Program Chair:
Cecilia Metra
ARCES - University of Bologna
Viale Risorgimento 2
40136 Bologna, Italy
T: + 39 051 209 3038
F: + 39 051 209 3073
E: cecilia.metra@unibo.it
Author Information |
Formal paper submissions are to be made electronically through the VTS website
(follow Authors and Reviewers Login instructions below).
Submission deadline of paper title and abstract is 2nd November 2008 (10pm GMT+1) (extended).
The deadline for PDF submissions is 9th November 2008 (10pm GMT+1) (extended).
Authors will be notified of the disposition of their papers by 9th January 2009.
A submission will be considered as evidence that, upon acceptance, the author(s) will
present the paper at the symposium, and will submit a final camera-ready version of
the paper for inclusion in the proceedings.
VTS 2009 will present a Best Paper Award, a Best Panel Award, and a Best IP Track
Session Award based on the evaluations of reviewers, attendees, and an invited panel of judges.
Special Session and Innovative Practices Track Submission |
Proposals for the Innovative Practices track and Special Sessions are also invited.
Formal paper submissions are to be made electronically through the VTS website
(follow Authors and Reviewers Login instructions below).
The Innovative Practices track will highlight cutting-edge challenges faced by test
practitioners, and innovative solutions employed to address them. Special Sessions can
include panels, embedded tutorials, or hot topic presentations. Innovative practices
track and special session proposals should include a title, name and contact information
of the session organizer(s), a 150-to-200 word abstract, and a list of prospective participants.
Title and abstracts for Innovative Practices Tracks and Special Sessions should be submitted by
2nd November 2008 (10pm GMT+1) (extended).
The deadline for PDF submissions is 9th November 2008 (10pm GMT+1) (extended).
Authors and Reviewers Login |
In order to access the electronic submission system you must have an IEEE Web Account (see below).
The tool requires that JavaScript be enabled in your browser and that you allow pop-ups for this domain.
Emergency Login
In case you experience login problems using your IEEE/CS Web Account,
click here
to access the emergency login procedure.
IEEE Web Accounts
The IEEE Computer Society is expanding our use of web accounts so that members and visitors to our site
may maintain personal information, access privileged areas and participate in community functions.
If you do not already have a web account, please register now.
Click here to create a new account, or to retrieve your Username and Password
Sponsorship Opportunities
Click here to read more about sponsorship opportunities at VTS'09.
Graduate Student Activities
Ph.D. students graduating in 2009 are invited to participate to the Doctoral Thesis Award Contest.
All other graduate students (Ph.D. or M.S.) working on a test-related thesis are invited to participate
to the Thesis Research Poster Session.
VTS will take place from May 3rd to May 7th, 2009, in Santa Cruz, California, USA More...
VTS'08 IP Presentations
Presentations have been collected from VTS'08 IP sessions and are available to VTS'08 attendees.
Click here for more information.
Early Reg.: Apr. 24th, 09
For any questions you can contact the
VTS Office,
the General Chair or the
Program Chair.
Moreover, The VTS Organizing Committee is interested in providing a rich
historical view of VTS. Please send information you believe to be relevant
to the historian.
For questions related to this website, please contact the
